Ajwain Tea healthy drink
Drink ajwain tea on empty stomach for Healthfy yourself.

The age-old traditional spice has mutiple benefits for us in summer days, Small cup of ajwain tea in early morning can make digestion good, boosts appetite and improve your metabolism, with all this also helps in weight loss. Ayurveda considers ajwain as a powerful cleanser which easily cleans our body and removes impurity. This spice can help in promoting gut health, helps in constipation problems, relieve bloating, decrease acidity problems.

Ajwain tea can be brewed by mixing teaspoon of carom seeds in a cup of hot water. After steeping it for few minutes, it is strained in container and taken in a cup to be cheered as your first morning drink on empty stomach. 

To improve its flavour we can use some honey, black salt and a slice of lemon to liquify your taste buds. 

Ajwain can help fight bacteria and fungi it also helps in reducing high cholestrol levels which is beneficial to heart patients. This spice also helps in lowering down blood pressure. Ajwain is also known to heal peptic ulcers and it has anti-inflammatory qualities.

Benefits of ajwain tea on empty stomach in summer season

1. Improves appetite 

Ajwain tea is known to stimulate appetite, which is good inn the summer season when the heat tends to supress hunger. It stimulates the digestive system, Ajawain makes sure you get the nutrients you need in hot climate keeps you energized and makes you feel good all day.

2. Boosts Digestion

Ajwain tea is better known to improve the digestion system of individuals and it also treats gut health of person. Thymol and other active ingredients in ajwain aid in stimulating the secretion of gastric juices, which improves digestion Ajwain has claming effect which helps people who has problem in digestion after meals paining reduced by this.    

3. helps in detox

Very good advantage of ajwain tea drinking on empty stomach is detoxification for your body. It releases bad stuff of body outside and enhance body health. It has diuretic qualities that encourages the body to flush out waste and other toxin material through urination. 

4. Boosts metabolism

Ajwain helps in weight management by boosting your metabolism. It helps in weight loss and body maintenance. We should ge help of exercise and good diet with pairing of Ajwain tea. It also enhances over all metaboic activity.